Dear volunteer,


Thank you for volunteering to help with requests for the COVID -19 support group.


Even if you have not been contacted, we have not forgotten you and really appreciate that you could be available when the need arises. 

The COVID-19 restrictions might be relaxing but the group intends to continue to be there to help individuals with shopping, prescriptions and other requests. This is not just because we need to be prepared for any sudden COVID-19 spikes, but also as our community now has a system that will be useful in the future whatever happens.


You are warmly invited to join us at the next Zoom meetings where you can meet up with the Milton COVID-19 Co-ordinating Group and catch up with the most recent news and plans. There are two meetings, one daytime and one evening, so we can cover as many of you as possible. Both meetings will have the same content, so you only need to attend one of them!


Dates, times and link below:


Meeting 1

Topic: C19 Support Group Volunteers Meeting

Time: Jul 22, 2020 11:00 AM London


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 825 1020 3830

Password: 780719


Meeting 2

Topic: C19 Support Group Volunteers Meeting

Time: Jul 23, 2020 07:30 PM London


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 849 9215 5384

Password: 046555


Best wishes and looking forward to seeing you.


David Chamberlin


On behalf of the Milton COVID-19 Co-ordinating Group.


Rev David Chamberlin DipThM MCMI
Rector of Milton, Priest-in-Charge of Waterbeach and Landbeach
24 Church Lane, Milton, Cambridge CB24 6AB.
01223 861511 | 07805 083300 


2020 Bible Verse: Rejoice in the Lord always! Philippians 4.4